
Ebb stands out with its clean, rectangular silhouette and a wide array of color options, offering timeless elegance for any clinical space. Its minimalist design exudes a sense of classic sophistication, while the versatile color choices allow for seamless integration into various environments.

Ebb: Tımeless Sımplıcıty, Endless Possıbılıtıes

Ebb’s understated form makes a bold, yet refined statement, ensuring a professional and welcoming first impression.

sheer shell
cobalt blue
misty mint
warm ash
young night
raven dark
slash white

product ınformatıon

FRONTAL UNIT:Metal panel guest countertop. Lighting-integrated plexiglass superior surfaces. Metallic laminate coated MDF inferior surfaces.

BACK UNIT:Laminate coated MDF host countertop. Set of 1 safe with lock and 2 regular MDFLAM drawers on wheels with stoppers.Blum & Hafele hinges and cable grommets.

LIGHTING ELEMENTS:Driver-included 4000 Kelvin LED strips.